In this note, we will provide an overview of Ind AS 16 with examples, which deals with the accounting treatment of property, plant, and equipment, and is similar to AS 10 in its scope and requirement…
(i) Ind AS 20 deals with the other forms of government assistance which do not fall within the definition of government grants. It requires that an indication of other forms of governm…
(i) In Ind AS 10, material non-adjusting events are required to be disclosed in the financial statements, whereas the existing AS 4 requires the same to be disclosed in the report of…
Ind AS 16 deals with accounting for property, plant and equipment which are covered by existing AS 10, Accounting for Fixed Assets. Ind AS 16 also deals with depreciation of property, plant and equi…
(i) Ind AS 7 specifically includes bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand as a part of cash and cash equivalents, whereas the existing AS 3 is silent on this aspect (refer para…